I am 22
I celebrated my birthday over the weekend, it was lovely. Me and My Mum
spent it together. It was so nice to get dressed up and wear make up 😊 We spent the weekend watching my favourite shows. It was
such a fun weekend watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and David Boreanaz. 😍 I hope you enjoy reading how I celebrated
my 22nd birthday in Lockdown.
Thursday 18th
It started on Thursday with me making Cake Pops and Mini Eggs Cookie Bar. Both of which I never made before, my taste testers (my mum, dad and brother) seemed to be very pleased so I consider it a success. I always make them try one first 😛
Friday 19th
Me and my Mum spent the day watching Brooklyn 99, which is a fantastic show. I
cannot remember the last time I laughed out loud at a programme. The characters
are just fantastic. We were cosy in front of the tv, colouring, colour in canvas I bought from Hobby craft, which was so fun and relaxing.
Every Friday night, we have a pizza night. Our favourite are the Cheese &
Onion thin and crispy pizzas from Iceland £1. I cannot believe they are only £1
and so yummy. This Friday was extra special we ate our pizza and watched SEAL
TEAM. The episodes were just amazing and David Boreanaz was fantastic. We
watched Season 4 episode 1 and 2. Episode 1 was directed by David Boreanaz and
it was brilliant to watch. A great season opener and a fantastic way to start my
David Boreanaz tv programme filled weekend.
Saturday 20th
We then spent the rest of day watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was
fantastic, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favourite tv programme of all time.
In my opinion Buffy and Angel's love story is the greatest ever told. Sarah
Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz are brilliant actors and bring their
characters to life. In case anyone has yet to watch it, I won't say too
much in case of spoilers. For Buffy fans that are interested we watched Some
Assembly Required, Reptile Boy, What's my line part 1&2, Surprise, Passion
and Becoming Part 1 & 2. It was a perfect day.
I also want to say that, I stand with Charisma Carpenter, I support and send lots of love to her and other Buffy and Angel stars.
Sunday 21st
Sunday was a lovely lazy day, we spent the morning working on mosaic tiles that me and my mum bought a few years when we went to visit Bath. It was nice just to do something different and fun. In the afternoon we then watched more Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was so good, it was nice watching Buffy again as my mum has not seen it, it is fun to see her reactions.
Overall it was such an amazing and lovely Birthday Weekend and Thank you for
everyone who helped make it such a special weekend.
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